HI!As an artist, illustrator, bookbinder, and lifelong intuitive healer, my work has become a sanctuary of self-acceptance and transformation. Looking back at my adult life, I often wish I’d had the courage, especially as a mother, to simply be—to allow myself to exist authentically, without restraint. Today, my art reflects this journey, embodying my love for strong, nurturing beings from myth, legend, and history. I paint these figures as powerful yet compassionate reminders of resilience and grace.
My creative process is intimate and layered, often beginning in journals or on A3 sheets of paper, small portraits emerge capturing the essence of each figure. Working in mixed media—collage, acrylics, and pastels—I build each piece thoughtfully, integrating textures and layers to reflect both the complexity and simplicity of inner strength. These journaled portraits are later scanned and printed to any size, allowing their spirit to expand beyond their original form. Bookbinding, too, has become a grounding force in my life. This ancient, meditative craft provides the structure I need to reset, calming my mind through its steady, rhythmic repetition. In the past year, bookbinding has re-emerged as a vital part of my practice, and I can’t believe I ever set it aside. Its structure, paired with the freedom of mixed-media painting, brings balance to my creative world. Through my work, I hope to inspire others to embrace their own journeys with courage, compassion, and an openness to being. My art offers a visual refuge, inviting viewers to connect with their own stories and the timeless strength within us all. Jane xxx |
I haven't always painted, but I've experimented with many different arts and crafts. The inspiration to begin my art business came whilst I was working as a scrapbook and photography teacher and at the same time running an intuitive healing business from home. A series of dreams prompted me to create mandalas (circular artworks) from my photography. Eventually, I self-published "The Mandala Oracle" cards which became very popular and landed me work as a freelance illustrator.
This experience was the catalyst that changed my world. It was probably the first time that I had really listened to and allowed my intuition to guide my path in life. I began to receive amazing feedback on my mandalas and illustrations from clients and customers, describing how they could feel powerful energy literally emanating from my work. This prompted me to study the healing power of light, colour and symbols. It also motivated me to learn to paint - which is something I never thought I could do. I learnt to tune in to spirit with my art, in the same way I did with my healing work. I began to paint from intuition, not my mind and eventually found that I had created a whole new modality for healing. So it's only been in the last few years that I've actually considered myself an artist. Now I can't imagine my life without art. |
I believe that all art carries energy through its colours, shapes, light and symbols. The original art that I create also infuses a channeled energy intended to bring healing to its new owner in some way. If a piece of art is drawing you in, you are feeling those intentions through the vibrations belonging to that piece. I also feel these healing vibrations as I recieve and infuse them into my creations.
These days, I use a combination of different arts for my own personal healing practice - painting, writing, dance |
Many things inspire me in life, nature being the most important. My connection to the earth is paramount. I must have trees, plants and water near me. But my art is something else. It starts with a thought that pops into my head. The logical side of me then researches that thought, then I let my intuition take over.
I'm inspired every time I put paint to canvas (or paper) because I know I'm not just doing it for me. I know that what I create will find its way to its new owner and that it will play a part in their healing journey. This is both a privilege and an honour for me. It's why I rarely plan my paintings. I go with the flow. Often, their true purpose is not clear to me until they land in the arms of those who are meant to receive them. That person may even sometimes be myself. Once I "get the message" the painting will be ready to move on. And while I may never truly know how my paintings are received, below is one story that inspires me every time I think about it. A woman who had recently lost her husband, saw one of my paintings and felt it spoke to her in a way that she hadn't experienced before. She purchased it and hung it in her home. It inspired her to redecorate her room around it. She had previously been unable to move forward, feeling stuck and weighed down with grief following the death of her husband, but seeing the painting several times a day, gave her the confidence to lift herself up and carry on. Soon, she was able to sort her husband's belongings and felt a sense of lightness and freedom return to her life. Nothing can heal quite like art can and nothing inspires me more, or gives me more joy, than seeing it do just that.
Yes! I believe that everyone is blessed with a creative soul and I'm passionate about helping to ignite that creativity within everyone who attends my classes. We focus on the perfectly imperfect creative process, and I feel so much joy when a student creates something that they never believed was already inside them.
My art and wellbeing retreats (full or half day) allow those who need healing to receive it in their own way - through their own creativity. This is the art of healing in action The opportunity to offer others the space to do this is truly inspirational for me and I will always be grateful for that. I love empowering others to lead a happier life. In my art and wellbeing workshops, I see the weight lifting from peoples shoulders, or catch that spark of an "aha" moment in their eyes. It brings me the utmost joy. |
I've been married to my childhood sweetheart, Livio, since 1988. We've been together for 8 years longer than that. We live on a beautiful farm where we grow sugar cane and soy beans. It used to be a tobacco farm, and its the tobacco sheds that have been converted into my teaching studios.
My home is of the utmost importance. It gives me space to be me. Home is at the opposite end of the farm to my teaching space giving me some distance from "work". This helps to create a good balance in life. My home studio space gives me the perfect inspiration to continue to pursue my art, especially with Hector the Studio Dog (a cavoodle) at my feet. Livio and I have two married children and two grandsons. Being GiGi and GiPa is very important right now. I love books, family history, vintage and rustic design, VW kombis and people describe me as a bit of a bohemian hermit and a sophisticated hippie. Total contrast in terms, I know! But that's me - a bit of an enigma. Rustic, hippie, eclectic boho - that's me. |