![]() The Chakra System Part 1 Throughout history, the idea of a universal energy percieved throughout all of nature has been held by mystics, religious practices and more recently Western Scientists. Think od the Indian spiritual tradition of prana; the Chinese calling vital energy Chi: the Jewish Kabala referring to astral light and the Christian religious paintings indicating a field of light or halo surrounding Jesus and other religious figures. As I mentioned in my last blog, human beings can be viewed as networks of complex energy fields that interact with physical and cellular systems. The physical system resonates at a particular vibration and is an integral part vibrating at a lower frequency with the higher energy systems surrounding it. These higher energy systems referred to as our subtle bodies are composed of matter with quite different frequency characteristics than those of the physical bodies. These systems are physically superimposed on one another in the same space and together they play vital parts in the total functioning of the human being. Various writings from the Indian Yogic teachings refer to special energy systems which exist within these subtle bodies. They are known as Chakras The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit meaning 'wheels or disks', and they resemble whirling vortices of subtle energies. These energy systems are associated with accessing universal energy and transmuting it into a useable form within the human structure. The origin of the seven fold chakra system that is most commonly followed today, has its roots in the Hindu culture. The earliest mention of the term chakra is said to come from the Vedas, the four holy books of the Hindus, believed to date back before 2500 BC. However, the notion of seven “maps of consciousness” for optimum well-being goes back much further. Physiologically, the chakras are involved in the flow of higher energies via subtle energetic channels to the cellular structure of the physical body. Therefore, the chakra systems seem to function as energy transformers, stepping down energy from a higher frequency to a lower level of energy. This energy is then translated into the hormonal and physiological system to bring about cellular changes throughout the body. Although the human energy system is said to have many chakras, and new ones are being discovered all the time, the traditional Hindu system names the seven major ones previously mentioned. The location of the seven chakras associated with the physical body corresponds with the major nerve networks. Each major chakra on the front of the body is paired with its corresponding one on the back of the body. Together they form the front and rear aspects of a chakra. There are also believed to be at least twenty-one minor chakras. Energetically, the chakras are openings that allow energy to flow into and out of the aura. As this energy is associated with a form of consciousness, the energy exchange is experienced in terms of seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, intuiting or direct knowing. The tips of the chakras where they are connected to the Universal Energy Field (UEF) are referred to as the heart or root of the chakra. Within the heart of the chakra are seals which control exchange of energy between the layers of the auric field (subtle bodies). To allow certain energy to flow from one layer to another through the chakra, it must pass through the seals in the heart of the chakra. This is most probably why the Yogic literature uses the flower analogy - a lotus flower opening and shutting to explain the chakra. Even when we are perfectly still – as in a static yoga pose or sitting in silence doing nothing more than breathing, - the chakras are doing a dynamic dance. They are opening, closing, shifting, spinning, expanding and contracting. The energy generated by the Chakras moves up and down the spine. When flowing freely, that energy can connect us with the Earth at the same time that it connects us with the Higher Realms of existence. The energy has the power to lift us out of fatigue, depression, illness and despair. It has the ability to bring body, mind and soul together as one. It is therefore important to open the chakras and increase the flow of energy, the more energy flows through the system the healthier the human system will be. A brief look at the individual Chakras The first chakra, Muladhara (Root Chakra) is situated near the coccyx and is associated with the adrenals, triangular shaped glands that cap each of the kidneys. These glands secrete a variety of hormones including those that regulate the body’s metabolism. These glands also produce adrenalin, the hormone essential for our fight or flight response. The Root Chakra is associated with survival. The second chakra, Svadisthana (Sacral Chakra) originates near the tip of the coccyx or sacrum. It is associated with the male and female reproductive organs or gonads. Our relationship with our own sexuality and issues of emotional balance concerning that is a key association of this chakra. The third chakra, Manipura, (Solar Plexus Chakra) lies in the upper middle abdomen below the tip of the sternum. It is associated with the pancreas which lies behind the stomach and secretes a variety of substances essential for the effective digestion of food. The fourth chakra, Anahata, (Heart Chakra) can be found in the mid sternal region directly over the heart and is associated with the thymus gland. The thymus produces hormones that stimulate general growth, particularly in early life. The fifth chakra, Vishudda, (Throat Chakra) is situated in the neck near the Adam's apple, directly over the thyroid gland. It has associations with both the thyroid and parathyroid glands. The thyroid manufactures thyroxine, which controls the body’s metabolic rate, and the parathyroid gland controls the level of calcium in the blood stream. The sixth chakra, Anja, (Brow or Third Eye Chakra) in the mid-forehead above the bridge of the nose is situated over the pituitary gland. This vital gland influences growth, metabolism, and general body chemistry. The seventh chakra, Sahasrara, (Crown Chakra) is located on top of the head over the pingland which produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions.
![]() You've seen or heard me talk about energy and energy healing on my posts, my workshops and through my art. So what is this energy that I'm talking about? Below is part one of my article on the Human Energy Field. I hope it answers some of your questions. Everything within and even outside of our universe vibrates with energy. It has been accepted for centuries through many, many cultures, that the human body draws energy into itself from a universal energy field. The human energy field is the manifestation of this universal energy in and around the human body. Its outer boundary can be described as a luminous egg-shaped cocoon surrounding the physical body. This energy field is constantly moving, ebbing and flowing, expanding and contracting and changing in intensity. Throughout history, the knowledge of this universal energy present in all of nature and surrounding the human form as what we sometimes call the aura, has been recognised and illustrated by many traditions including the Indian spiritual tradition of prana; the Chinese energy chi; the Jewish Kabala reference to astral light and the Christian religious paintings indicating a field of light or halo surrounding Jesus and other religious figures. In scientific terms, human beings can be seen as networks of complex energy fields that interface with physical and cellular systems. These energy fields or auras consist of layers, known as subtle bodies which resonate at higher vibrations than the physical body. To put it another way, these higher energy systems, (subtle bodies) are composed of matter with different or higher frequency characteristics than that of the physical bodies. These systems are superimposed on one another in the same space. Together they play a part in the total functioning of the human being. Healers understand that the aura holds the key to a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. Although many systems have been created over time, we generally refer to seven layers and these are defined by location, colour, density, form and function. These seven layers are grouped into three Planes, The Physical Plane, the Astral Plane and the Spiritual Plane. It is important to remember that because of the differing intrinsic frequencies, physical and etheric matter can co-exist harmoniously within the same space; just as radio and TV waves can exist in the same space without interference. Each individual person has an aura unique to themselves, in intensity, size, colour and vibration. This field of electromagnetic energy can be felt and sometimes seen by people who are highly sensitive to different energies. They may even be able to see or feel each layer separately. So here is a quick description of The Energetic Layers. Etheric Body This can be viewed as the state between energy and matter and consists of tiny energy lines similar to the line on a television screen The following aspects characterise this layer:
This is associated with feelings and follows the outline of the physical body but does not duplicate it.
Mental body The mental body extends beyond the emotional body and is associated with thoughts and mental processes. The following aspects characterise this layer:
Astral body This has no fixed shape. It is composed of clouds of colour similar to that of the emotional layer
Etheric template body This subtle layer is further removed from the first layer and contains the etheric template blueprint for the physical body.
Celestial Body This is referred to as the emotional level of the spiritual plane It extends about two (60cm) to two and three quarter feet (85cm) from the body
Ketheric template (casual body)
So you can see that we are not just a physical body, but a complex integrated set of subtle energy fields, all vibrating at different rates. These subtle layers extend beyond the physical and create a force field of energy and luminous colours. Many scientific and technological researches from holographic patterning through to Kirlian photography, to different types of scanning have observed and recorded the human energy field in a physical way. Kirlian photography was developed in 1939 by Russian electronics engineer Seymion Kirlian. It was discovered that when leaf was cut in two and photographed using this technology, the energy field remained intact and recorded the same shape as when the leaf was whole. It is thought that this phenomenon may explain the “phantom limb” reports from amputees who can still feel pain and sensation in the area where the missing limb used to be. More recently, the development of Polycontrast Interference Photography or PIP, by researcher Harry Oldfield became one of the major advances in detecting the body’s energy fields. It is a complicated technology, but put in simple terms, the subject stands in front of a white screen and a form of digital camera photographs the different light intensities around the body while a computer translates this into a visual image, which can be “read” by a trained technician. This is useful in areas of diagnosis of imbalances and tends to validate the concept that all matter is energy and forms the foundation for understanding how human beings can be considered dynamic energetic systems. Humans are beings of energy – the solid nature of physical matter is a perception of our physical senses. Aura Photography is often available at New Age festivals and in many new age shops. Aura photographs are taken by having the subject sit in front of a plain background and placing one hand on a sensor plate which detects the energy emanations from the subject. The aura camera then translates this into a visual image and onto a photograph for the subject to take home with a reading from the photographer. The colours that appear can be “read” to give an indication of personality traits, states of mind, and general health at the time of the photograph. These photographs can be highly influenced by the subject’s mood and emotion at the time as the energy field is constantly changing. Next time we'll discover the Chakra System, it's purpose and function within the fields. ![]() The Empaths Guide to Managing Energy If you are an Empath, you might find that you need some extra pointers for managing your energy at any time. I hope these ideas will help you out a little. Being alone: Empaths need time by themselves where they are less likely to be tuning into the emotions of others around them. It doesn’t mean you’re anti-social or that you don’t like people! It just means you need to refuel before going back out into the world. Make sure you have plenty of alone time during which you’re doing something that is not emotional, such as knitting, gardening, cooking, etc. I like to play video games which requires strategy but has no emotional triggers for me. Be creative! Stay away from people and place that drain your energy Do not feel guilty about avoiding these people and places until you are stronger. Grounding: Here are some very effective grounding techniques that I use every day! 1) Eating: This is a delicious way to stay grounded as long as you pay attention to the food your eating! So pick something you really like and bring it along. The process of eating is ground, and so is digesting. You’re less likely to be reading other people in restaurants 2) Wear a crystal: I have at least 10 different crystal pendants (rose quartz, lapis, danburite, moldovite, etc). When I go out, I pick a pendant to wear (even before I pick my clothes!). 3) Wash your hands: I get the urge to wash my hands when I go to people that are tricky to deal with. It’s a great way to make sure their energy is not sticking to you and keep your own energy flowing. 4) Use visualizations: Imagine that you are growing roots from the bottom of your feet. The roots keep reaching deeper in the earth. They’re flexible too, so that you can lift your feet and the root follow you. Try it at home first then you’ll be able to do it while you carry on a conversation too! Managing your own energy Raising your vibration, grounding and Shielding (for emergencies only) :Shielding and protection is a technique I teach my clients as an emergency safe guard whilst they build up their own energies and raise their vibration. Lets start with an exercise to build up your own energies, a practice which needs to be done two or three times daily in the beginning until it becomes automatic. We start by becoming quiet and visualising or feeling a bright white gold light above the head. Know that this is your connection to the universal life force. see or feel that light entering in a stream down through the crown of your head and filling your whole body from head to toe, every cell, every fibre becoming alive with light. Then feel or visualise roots, like tree roots, growing from the soles of your feet into the earth, feel them running deeper and deeper. Pull red light up from the earth through the soles of your feet, filling your whole body, toes to finger tips. You are now connected to the universe and the earth together. From the centre of your heart space notice a ball of light. Imagine it as a pink light. This is unconditional love. Allow this light to grow and expand to fill your whole body. Let it expand further and further until it extends past your body and you see yourself encased in a cocoon or egg of light. Know and intend that this light will heal and protect you raising your vibration to its highest level. For emergency protection you can create an extra shield of light around you to help you in sticky situations. You can experiment to find out what works best for you. I use a spiral of light that spins around the outside of my body. I program it to knock away anything that will bring my own energy down. It is Not Necessary to Take Responsibility for Other People’s Hurt If you are an empath you are finely tuned to the pain of other people, tending to internalize it as your own. Remember that there is only so much you can genuinely do to help other people. Of course, you can try to help them or guide them as much as you see fit, but at the end of the day the person experiencing the original pain must be willing to help themselves for any true healing to occur. Often our caring natures blind us to the fact that many people don’t want, or aren’t prepared to be fixed because they are content in the safety of their misery. Go into Your Pain Rather Than Trying to Escape from It It sounds counter-intuitive doesn’t it, “going into your pain”! But it's a very important step to releasing the pent up energy inside of you. When we are preoccupied by escaping, repressing and avoiding our pain, we perpetuate the cycle of our suffering. Rather than giving in to the temptation to run – stop – be still. Sit down and let yourself feel the fatigue, the confusion, the anger, the hurt. Only once you face the truth of the pain you feel can you then progress to the next stage of letting the suffering go. De-cluttering. The first step is to get rid of all obvious "trash"! Throw it out or put it out for recycling. As we mentioned earlier, empaths pick up on energy in objects as well as people. Take a look around you at all the "things" you have gathered over the years. We will start by gathering everything together that you don't use or haven't seen in the past year. This can include, shoes, clothes, books, ornaments. Put them in bags or boxes ready to donate or sell. That was the easy part. Now You will notice things around you that you don't actually like, but perhaps were given to you by a friend or family member. Remember, if you don't like it, it isn't you, then it will be affecting your energy. You can use the cord cutting technique we learnt earlier to release any attachment you have to the object and the person who gave it to you, then take note of how you feel! Do you still dislike the object? if so put it into the sell or donate pile. What about things that you really love, but you find it difficult to be around? These need to be dealt with in a similar way and honestly I find it best to cut the cords and get rid of them. Complete this exercise for every room in your home and workspace, garden and shed. It is also necessary to do your handbag and your car. You will already find that you begin to feel lighter. Catharsis and Body-Mindfulness = Useful Techniques As an empath it is so important that you incorporate some consistent form of catharsis into your everyday routine to rid yourself of the stuffy energy you might be harboring. Favored forms of catharsis among empaths include journaling/writing, meditation, walking and jogging. Other forms of catharsis include singing, dancing, screaming (privately), laughing and crying. It is also extremely beneficial as an empath to teach yourself how to get in touch with your body – I call this “body-mindfulness” or “somatic mindfulness.” Basically, learning to be in touch with your body is an excellent way of anchoring and grounding yourself in the present moment rather than getting lost in the flood of emotions and sensations that come your way. Body-mindfulness is also a good way of learning to listen to your needs, as well as nurturing and taking care of yourself. I wrote more about how to practice this form of mindfulness here. Realize That as an Empath, You Are Not Immune to Projecting Your Feelings onto Others Let’s be honest here. Part of the appeal of identifying as an empath is that it sometimes provides a doorway of escape to us; an opportunity to pin the blame on others. Yes, you might soak up the emotions of others like a sponge, but that doesn’t mean that you are exempt from creating, and deeply experiencing, your own emotions. It is all too easy to portray ourselves as victims in life, and much harder to take responsibility for our own happiness. A key realization on the path of healing as an empath is to learn to distinguish what WE are feeling from what OTHERS are feeling. And there isn’t always a clean cut distinction. Often you will find that you are feeling about 45% of the emotions, and others are feeling about 55% of the emotions, or you might be feeling 20% and others 80%, and vice versa. Shielding Which means, creating a shield between yourself and all those feelings out there. You can do this a variety of ways, but the most common is visualisation. By visualizing a force field around yourself. This field is pure energy. The more vivid the image you imagine for that field, the stronger it will be. You can set this field to selective, so that you will note others feelings, IF and only if, you want to notice other energies. This is not just your imagination at work. As we ask the mind, so it will do for us, and if you ask yours to build a stronger aura of energy around you, it will. You don't need to know the exact details of how it works, as your mind is perfectly able to build it for you, all you have to do ... is tell it to as strongly and vividly as possible. As a temporary technique, shielding can be helpful, but it is not a long-term solution. It is actually counterproductive to becoming an Empowered Empath. Shielding is essentially about resisting ether people's energy and resistance only serves to continue the cycles of fear and pain within. Rather than fighting, open yourself up through the heart chakra. Allow yourself to experience the emotions, but also let them pass by not adopting them as yours. To do this send them down into the earth asking the earth to heal. This takes time and practice. But non-attachment is a much better long-term solution. Know your own mind: Meaning, to know yourself, very deeply and to have that information about yourself and your emotional state, on tap, all the time. So that you can easily realize that those feelings your feeling, are, or are NOT, your own. This is critical, as if you are not aware of your own mental and emotional state, you can have a very hard time telling what is, or is not, your own feelings, so keeping a monitor on your own state, at any time, is paramount. Do not allow become a dumping ground Mow this is something that happens on a very regular basis to every Empath, unless they become aware of it and take steps to prevent its happening. Most " ordinary" people, are able to be aware that a such and such a person is "someone they can talk to" by this I mean, they know that after they have spent time or spoken with you, they feel better and that somehow you help them with their pain. This makes you a magnet for people with a major emotional load to drop. People will come to you and start to tell you their life story, as if a part of them believes that you could make it all better. And you can, for the most part, however, permitting this to happen, without controls, is asking for trouble. You will find yourself getting to the point where you will not even want to go places where there are strangers. And that is not a good thing. Shielding helps, but sometimes, you just have to look people right in the face and say no, unless you want to deal with helping them handle with their anxiety. There are two kinds of people, those you can help and those you can't, and there are a lot more of those you can't help, than you might believe. Therefore we need to...... Set limits: Just because we can perhaps do something about another's pain, doesn't necessarily mean, that we should. Often times, they are in pain for a reason, maybe they failed to handle something well, and that's a lesson they need to learn. If you take away all that suffering for a mistake, the lesson might go unlearned. So you need to learn to analyse the situation carefully. Know when it's time to say ... No. Cleanse your etheric body often: You have learnt that as an empath, you are an emotional magnet, feelings can cling to you . So it becomes very important to metaphysically clean out all the feelings and emotions that are not your own, from time to time. I cannot stress this enough, as if you fail to do so, the stress on you just builds and builds, and there is a limit to what any one person can endure, and stay sane ! Fail to do so and you may begin to suffer from stress, anxiety and depression yourself. You do this by meditation, relaxation, grounding, the light body exercise, and use the power of the mind to cleanse out anything negative or left over. In a deep state, you can see this light body and will learn to see the problem areas. For most empaths you will find them around the heart and head Chakras, as those are the areas most affected. Trust yourself One of the other big problems that an Empath faces, is wondering if what they ARE feeling is real or accurate. This is why knowing your own mind and emotional state is so important, as without this knowledge, it's harder to figure this one out. Trust yourself, trust your feelings, and know you can get a handle on this, it just takes time and practice. ![]() Anyone's Guide to Raising your vibration At this time of the year, it is especially important to keep your energy and vibration strong. There are lots of emotions, both positive and not so positive flying around. Keep yourself on top of everything by following these guidelines. Become conscious of your thoughts. Everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality. There is a saying, "Thoughts become things". Choose the good ones. Every single thought that you have has an impact on you. When you change those thoughts for the positive, your reality is likely to become positive too. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. Try using positive affirmations to turn your thoughts around. Next time you find yourself having a negative thought, take the time to acknowledge it, thank it for showing up, and then say "Cancel clear and delete." and replace it with a positive affirmation. Appreciate the beauty all around you There is incredible beauty in this world of ours, yet so often we miss it in the hustle and bustle of life. Learn to appreciate art, colour, sounds and smells. Stop rushing for a moment and take the time to appreciate your surroundings wherever you are. Go one step further and actively look for the beauty in everything. Spend some time in nature every day. It’s easy to get caught up in today’s world of information and forget the natural world. Whether it’s a bush walk, a stroll along the beach or a quick half hour walk through the local park on your way home, getting out into nature each day will help you clear your mind, ground, become more present and remember you are part of a beautiful, living, interconnected planet. Consciously choose what you put into your body As well as containing important nutrients, food has an energetic vibration. Some foods vibrate at high frequencies, and some lower (broccoli has a high vibration as do blueberries; Big Macs barely vibrate at all ;-). Choosing healthy, fresh, whole foods over processed, frozen, stored or chemically altered will help you raise your vibration. Swap junk food snacks for healthier alternatives. Always read the labels and know what you’re putting into your body. If you are consuming packaged foods, chemicals and pesticides found within plastic packaging, will leave you vibrating lower. Eat good quality organic produce, food as nature intended it, and feel the high vibrations emanating throughout your body. If you can’t afford organic, at least buy free range. Most importantly, pay attention to how eating certain foods make your body feel. Become aware of the vibrational level of your friends, acquaintances and extended family You can raise your own vibration by spending time with people who vibrate at the same or higher rate than yourself. Choose to spend your time with people who are empowering, have the same morals as you. Remember your friends are a reflection of you. Drink water. Water is a form of energetic life force. It helps to keep your energy levels and vibration nice and high. Always drink plenty of water (filtered is best) to assist your body to flush out toxicity day to day. Toxicity has a significant impact on your vibration so we must do whatever it takes to reduce its impact within us and around us. Meditate. Even if you only have one minute, take time to be still and silent. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breath in and out. Too often we rush through our days with a scattered brain leaving us in a state of anxiety and stress. Meditation helps to calm your spirit down and put you in a peaceful state of mind. It can help you become more conscious of your thoughts, which in turn helps you to break bad habits. It also creates space for inspiration and spiritual awareness to come through. Just 10 minutes of meditation a day can change your life forever. Practice Gratitude Gratitude shifts your vibrations from focusing on what you don't have to what is already abundant in your life. Most of us don't recognize how much we have to be grateful for. There is more to be grateful for than you could possibly imagine. Practice acts of kindness. Kindness (as opposed to being mean) puts you at a higher vibration. Make a donation to a cause, send a thoughtful gift, or even a message. Giving to someone else (without expecting anything in return) shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough" or "Woe is me", to "I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance itself is a high vibration. Gossip or treat others badly and your vibration will suffer. Practice forgiveness and compassion This may seem like the most difficult thing on the list, but its one of the most important. Thoughts of being the victim or thoughts of revenge are both low vibration. Instead surround yourself and your abuser with unconditional love, and raise your vibration higher and higher Get moving Exercise not only keeps you fit and toned but the movement gets chi circulating around your body. Vibration requires movement, the more you move the better your vibrations move. It also helps you to ground and gives you an opportunity to clear mind chatter. So Get Active! Dance, run, jump, climb! The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency. Create a higher vibrational home or sanctuary-like space for yourself. You are inside your home a lot! It will consequently affect your vibration. It’s important to have a space where you can feel serene and creative. Use salt lamps, candles, plants, prayers, paintings, books and crystals to decorate your space so it feels peaceful, inspirational and supportive. Even the colours on the wall and the way your furniture is arranged can affect your energy. You might even like to create an altar area that serves as a focal point for your spiritual awakening. Put some meaningful objects on it and light a candle now and then, setting an intention for what you want to create next upon your path. If you live with others and can’t change the whole house, just focus on making one room your higher vibrational zone. Learn how feng shui can help to increase the vibration in your home! Actively develop your spiritual awareness. Whether its learning how to communicate with your spirit guides, joining a spiritual development circle or simply taking time to reflect on the spiritual dimension more often, developing your spiritual awareness will remind you that you’re connected to an all-encompassing force and that. Treat yourself to some form of energy healing and re-balancing every couple of months. Reiki and shiatsu are both great modalities for healing, rebalancing and promoting vibrational change in your life. Find a good practitioner and commit to going every couple of months. You’ll always feel better afterwards and be glad you did. Heal and let go of the past. Most people go their whole lives without ever clearing out the cobwebs and as a consequence prevent themselves from living a happy and fulfilled life. If you feel you might have unresolved emotional patterns or negative belief systems from your past, find a good practitioner who can help you work through them over a number of sessions. Reduce your drug and alcohol intake (or cut it out completely) Alcohol, tobacco and all types of drugs vibrate at a low rate. Not only do the substances themselves vibrate low, but you will find yourself hanging out with people that vibrate at a low rate as well. You don't need alcohol or drugs to have fun, you need to be vibrating at a higher level. Be aware of what you are watching, reading and listening to Every form of media has a vibration. What you watch, listen to and read can either lift or lower your vibration. Much of our TV these days dramatises and glamourises a lower vibrational way of life. Become aware of how you feel whilst you are engaging with it. Watch love stories, or comedies, things that make you smile and laugh. Become conscious of what your music is saying to you Lyrics that speak of heartache, pain, violence, drama or fear send messages to your subconscious. You want to listen to songs of peace, love and real passion. Remember that everything is energy, so be mindful of the frequencies you’re submerging yourself in. Do more of what you are passionate about Expressing yourself through your art, music, writing, creativity, dancing, climbing, running etc. is vital for your well being and will raise your vibration tremendously. Take at least one step towards your soul’s task every day. Even if you just get some ideas down or do some planning. Working towards your soul’s task each day will help you feel happier, more fulfilled and content that you’re doing what you came here for. If you don’t know what your soul’s task is or want some direction and structure, find a good coach who can help you. Set goals and consciously plan your week ahead. Take time each week to consciously plan your week ahead. Set an overall intention and specific goals for each area of your life. Visualize yourself achieving your most important goals and play the images through your mind like a film. Then, break each goal down into doable steps and put the steps in your diary. Make sure you’re making the most of your life and doing the things that matter to you. Don’t blame your circumstances for your vibrational shortcomings. Sure, a home and job that supports and encourages a higher vibrational way of life is always preferable, but for a lot of people this just isn’t possible. You must therefore take full responsibility for your awakening and transformation in the face of lower vibrational energies and triggers, and put strategies in place that support you. If you can’t do this, what hope does the world have? Keep going! Transformation is a gradual process with a few intense shifts along the way. It’s inevitable there will be times when you slip back into your old ways and feel like you’re going two steps forwards and one step back. Go easy on yourself during these times, get the learnings, refocus and get back on your way again. Whether it’s in this lifetime or the next, you’ll get there eventually, and in the end it’s really about the journey anyway. |
AuthorI'm Jane Marin, artist, illustrator, writer, self confessed eclectic bohemian. Follow me and my musings right here on my blog. Titles
August 2021